Gendarme Grabazzi

Gendarme Grabazzi

The Younger, Bolder Brother of Gendarme

The prelude of Grabazzi top notes rapidly unfold with striking chords of pepper, carnation and citrus. The midnotes play out an engaging second movement of lavender and jasmine.

The drydown climaxes in a passionate crescendo of colaberry, musk and bergamot, lime, leather and lilac. Like its best-selling predecessor, Grabazzi is dynamically formulated to perform endless variations -- blending with each wearer's natural oils to realize a singular consummation.

INGREDIENTS: Cola Berry,Carnation,Pepper,Citrus,Lavender,Jasmine,Musk,Bergamot,Lime,Leather,Lilac

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120 ml (4.0 oz)$140.00
spray sample (2.0 ml)$5.00
Sample (1.0 ml)$2.50

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