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Parfums Raffy Home Page : Perfume samples and Cologne samples

Fragrance Samples

Perfume samples are packaged in small glass vials varying from 1 ml to 3 ml. Please note some pages have changed with the design of our new web site as of May 2013. We currently offer the following samples:

Single Note fragrance samples Fragrances consisting of a single note such "gardenia", "sandalwood" and many other single note fragrance samples. All single note perfume samples are 1 ml. and are priced at $1 each.

Women's perfume samples Perfume sample sizes vary from 1 ml to 3 ml. Some are original manufacturer carded samples and some are decant. Carded samples will be marked "manufacturer sample". Most samples are $1.

Men's fragrance samples Original manufacturer carded men's designer cologne samples. Fragrance sample sizes vary from 1 ml to 3 ml. Most samples are $1.

Boutique and fine fragrance samples:

Shaik perfumes - New and very exclusive. Parfums Raffy is the only Shaik perfume retailer in North America.

Amouage - Spray samples

Ramon Monegal - Four generations of perfumers, the Monegal family has mastered the art of perfumery.

Carner Barcelona - From the leather tanners in Barcelona comes this beautiful line of fragrances.

Humiecki & Graef - Unique fragrances from Germany

Comptoir Sud Pacifique - Experience the tropics.

Montale Perfume

Parfumerie Naturelle - Natural fragrances from Grasse, France created by perfumer Raphael Haury

Raffy Fragrances

Creed Perfume Current promotion- Receive 3 Free Creed perfume sample set with a purchase of any bottle of Creed fragrance. Please type your choices in the comments section of the order form.

Xerjoff Ultra luxurious exquisite fragrances from Italy

Crown perfume Get them while they last, this 200 year old English perfumery has now been discontinued, these are some of the greats that are no longer produced

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