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Xerjoff La Capitale

Xerjoff La Capitale

La Capitale, dedicated to the city of Moscow and more in general to Russia, is a refined perfume capable of enshrining the charm of this boundless country rich in art, history and culture.

And at the same time to celebrate the modernity and romanticism of Moscow, a metropolis made of thousands of different districts that all together create that picture of a rich and fascinating city many times celebrated by the words of the great Russian poets, from Ivan Bunin to Aleksandr Blok up to Aleksandr Sergeevic Puškin.

Top: Strawberry, Peach
Heart: Ginger, Rose, Amber
Base: Vanilla Bourbon

INGREDIENTS: Strawberry,Peach,Ginger,Rose,Amber,Vanilla

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50 ml (1.7 oz.)$275.00
spray sample (2.0 ml)$12.00
Sample (1.0 ml)$6.00

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